Testimonial Synalia


 Manage, analyse and run financial and business information
Synalia is a cooperative company of jeweller entrepreneurs which has four banners : Julien Dorcel, les Guildes des Orfèvres, Heure et Montres et Parfait Alibi. Our cooperative federates 250 members and runs 450 points of sales and generates an annual revenue of 245 million euros. 
At a very early stage, we had the need to manage, analyse and run a wide range of financial and business information coming from our members.
Our cooperative constitutes a Central Purchasing and Referencing for suppliers, which negotiate the rates for the whole group. The communication and also the department of field consultants, finance, and sales are shared.
In 2000, we decided to go with AGT Retail, a business intelligence solution suited for retail networks whose the software publisher knows extremely well the issues that such networks can have.  
This tools gives access to summaries and to analyses of the financial and business activity, whether for the entire network or for each point of sale. 
It also gives a tool of simulation and multidimensional analyses that provide us with a detailed view and thus, more responsiveness.
Indeed, our points of sale are now compared by banner, by region, by revenue and by month, so we can perform projections. Based on these tools, Synalia run the company in the way to reach the objectives fixed. 
To do so, the tool was configured with us according to our needs in order to makes statistic queries on consolidated information.
This initial project allowed us to create a central base, regrouping accounting documents from the different points of sale. Therefore, the cooperative benefits of a global view in which the poins of sale are ranked by revenue bracket, evaluated and compared.
 Today, we are working on getting the tools of reporting and cashflow on cloud.  The objective: give to each point of sale the possibility to access to the tools with a simple Internet connection and consult its own information.
This step gives a new dimension for sharing information, in a sense that only us could access to the database.

Source: Revue Echanges published in September 2012

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