Integrated Networks & Branches

The specificities of integrated networks, or branches, represent strong financial stakes for the organization.

All point of sale managers are employees of the parent company and no longer independent contractors as in the context of associated trade. A central purchasing department supplies all the sales outlets under the banner.

Integrated trade is opposed in its development logic to associated trade and independent trade. Many mixed networks develop in parallel the formula of integrated trade with that of the associated trade (point of sale held by independent traders).


Centralisez toutes les informations contractuelles liées à vos points de vente. Anticipez tous les événements décisifs, conservez l’historique, gardez vos documents à portée de main. Suivez vos échéances.

Gestion immobilière

Anticipez vos coûts, suivez l’indexation et contrôlez vos factures. Calculez les droits d’utilisation et le passif de location. Réalisez votre budgets ainsi que votre reporting IFRS 16. Bénéficiez d’une gestion immobilière dynamique.


Lotissez et planifiez vos différents projets (travaux neufs, extensions, relooking). Collaborez avec les fournisseurs. Suivez vos devis et factures par prestataire. Respectez les budgets et les délais.


Equipe Synergee logiciel gestion franchise et immobilière

Synergee’s Customer Relationship Center (CRC) is part of a long-term relationship of trust with its customers and a policy of continuous improvement of service quality.
Our goal: cultivate proximity with customers for a better dialogue, be proactive in their needs and ensure operational efficiency.

Comprised of functional and technical experts, the Synergee Customer Relations Center is in charge of:

  • Production: technical advice, file processing, support for outsourced tables by customers, on-demand reporting and monitoring of interfaced flows;
  • Training: response to technical requests from trainers and accountants;
  • Monitoring on customer sales networks: studies of customer connection statistics, satisfaction survey, detection of new needs …

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