In News

Benoit Hamon

Benoît Hamon's consumer law returns to the Senate from September 10.

"It's a veritable flood of new rules, or a collection of existing rules from the codes of commerce, town planning or environmental legislation, to which the installation of new shops will be subject. The bill "tightens up the possibilities for derogation and unifies the grounds for justifying them, whether for the evolution of town-planning documents or for commercial authorizations. By amending article L. 122-1-9, article 58 reinforces the role of the SCoT in commercial town planning, clarifies the applicable law with regard to the procedure for integrating the commercial development document (DAC) into the SCoT, removes the zoning of commercial development zones (ZACOM) included in the DAC, and tightens the rules laid down in article L. 111-6 with regard to the footprint of parking areas attached to a business".

Published on by Sylvain AUBRIL :,147048

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