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Augmented Real Estate Management - Synergee x Pay Back Group

The challenges of Augmented Real Estate Management

The digital revolution that is shaking up the retail sector is the result of a profound transformation of society (e-commerce, ephemeral retailing, pure player/phygital retailing, etc.).

To keep pace with and remain proactive in the face of this revolution, support functions need to change many of their practices in all commercial real estate-related professions.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Paris 9th


We address 4 challenges

The quest for agility in a changing environment

  • "Retailers are multiplying the formats of their outlets. This calls for new design and management skills, as well as a much more flexible approach, at a time when everything is constantly evolving in directions that are very difficult to predict. 
  • Jurisprudence and new standards call for a dynamic approach on the part of real estate management. (IFRS16, Loi Pinel...)

The need to control data

  • Mastering data has gone from being a wish to a must-have: what was seen as a convenience a few years ago is now an obligation.
  • How? create a scalable tool + ensure consistency of integrated data

Decompartmentalization between professions

  • The decompartmentalization of support functions is the consequence of the first two challenges. It opens the door to a more global and instantaneous analysis of real estate activity.
  • A need for a collaborative platform.

The application of AI and its prospects

  • AI applied to property management, works and maintenance

The speakers

juliette-dp Synergee
Juliette de Prémont
Business Engineer
laurent-nguyen Pay Back Group

Laurent Nguyen-Van
Senior Client Partner

Frank-le-balch Maus Frères
Frank Le Balch
Real Estate Director
Stéphane Germain de Montauzan AUCHAN DAF - Technical Department
Stéphane Germain de Montauzan
DAF - Technical Department

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