In Partners

Background to the KMPG - AGT partnership

This partnership is part of a shared desire to bring added value to their customers.

Every company needs to be able to compare itself regularly with other players in its sector, according to comparable geographical and sectoral criteria. Whether it's the number of covers and the occupancy rate in the hotel and catering sector, or the evolution of margins per sales outlet in the pharmacy sector. This is a key piece of data in the support provided by the company's chartered accountant.

As part of this partnership, AGT is making its AGT Retail solution available to KPMG's chartered accountants, enabling them to provide business leaders with key sector and geographical indicators, enabling them to compare company performance with that of the sector as a whole.

Partnership scope

 All data is accessible via a web connection, guaranteeing anonymity and confidentiality. Balance sheet and income statement data are used to build a diagnosis.

  • The KPMG chartered accountant can assess the company's strengths and weaknesses according to each sector average (key ratios, region, location, size, workforce, etc.). He can also propose an action plan to improve performance.
  • Simulations and forecasts determine trends and help build an action plan.
  • A comparative dashboard is a relevant barometer for managers.

 SaaS technology enables a single database to be shared in real time. The company and its KPMG chartered accountant have access to centralized, harmonized information. Every month, the company accesses its comparative dashboard, showing alerts based on a comparable profile.

Find out more about KMPG's offer dedicated to networks and franchising here.

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