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Alain Bénabent, Didier Ferrier, Cyril Grimaldi, Chistophe Jamin, Hugues Kenfack, Marie Malaurie-Vignal, Serge Meresse, Thierry Revet, François-Luc Simon and Philippe Stoffel-Munck meet on Tuesday June 28, 2016 at the Maison de l'Amérique Latine, for an exceptional day of debate and reflection, on the theme: "The impact of contract law reform on distribution networks"..


This day is organized by Simon Associésin partnership with : Contrats-Concurrence-Consommation (LexisNexis), Editions Dalloz, La Revue des Contrats, Editions Lamy (Wolters Kluwer), Groupe Revue Fiduciaire, Les Petites Affiches and Editions Joly.

To find out more about the program, the speakers and how to register: click HERE


Source: La Lettre des Réseaux

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