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Synergee Webinar - July 2, 11 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.

More than any other sector, retailing is in a constant state of flux. To carry out a pertinent analysis, it is necessary to apply the comparability of elements, what our Anglo-Saxon friends call " like for like".

But keeping track of comparability parameters is highly complex. Many parameters have to be taken into account, such as temporary closures, construction work, changes in equipment, etc.

What's more, the time factor further complicates matters. For example, a month from one year to the next does not necessarily have the same number of working days...

To explain the different approaches, Synergee offers you a webinar on the theme :

Like for like: the keys to effective analysis

You will find below the main themes and an overview of the different issues that will be addressed:  

  • Define your frame of reference (economic, legal, organizational and management/ratio).
  • Find out how to manage temporal variability in comparable products.
  • Use the right management indicators andchoose which variables to keep and/or exclude for the finest possible analysis.

Your speaker : Laurent Dubernais , President of Synergee and member of the FFF College of Experts.

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