Webinar Progressium - Synergee: The franchise business plan: key to the success of both the franchisee and the franchisor

In this live webinar, we'll look at the role and importance of the franchise business plan, and reveal the best practices that are essential to its construction. [...]

How can you accelerate your network's development in 2022?

After two complicated years, franchisors can look to the future. And as tomorrow is being prepared today, we invite you to a conference on Thursday December 9, which will [...]

Why does collaboration between your network's different commercial real estate departments create value?

Commercial lease DATA is invaluable. It enables you to optimize the cost of your commercial sites. But you need to know how to collect it, share it and bring it to life! Information is often [...]

Asterop / Synergee Webinar: how to set up a successful network?

A sales network seeking to grow needs to find a location that will ensure its long-term future, but it also needs to be able to monitor the various indicators required for [...].

Webinar Progressium / Synergee: How to develop and manage your franchise network?

One of the franchisor's main challenges is to accelerate growth by recruiting franchisees. Candidates for franchising are numerous, but the profiles [...]

Webinar 22/06/2020: Exporting your concept through master-franchising

 "Exporting your concept through master-franchising" Master-franchising is a remarkable tool that enables many brands to expand their business and [...].

Webinar Franchisor authority: what are the limits?

Franchising is a contractual model that draws its strength from the vertical hierarchy it creates between franchisor and franchisees. Indeed, it is because it [...]

Anticipate risks to strengthen your network

In today's troubled economic environment, risk management for a commercial network is crucial at every level. For example, relationships between [...]

How can you animate your network at this particular time?

Webinar March 11, 2021 from 11:00 to 11:45 Network animation is one of the major challenges facing any company wishing to make the most of the economic recovery. During this [...]

Reduce your rental costs in 5 months!

WEBINAR March 9, 2021 from 9am to 10:30am The following topics will be covered: - Optimizing the management of your commercial leases - Protecting your [...]